10 Strange (and Awesome) Moments in Pro Wrestling

The Yeti


You know, the first half of the 90s were weird, especially in WCW (who gave us three items on this list during the five years).

Trying to catch up to the ever dominant WWF proved incredibly difficult, and WCW floundered to find its footing and gain traction.

Their first big step was signing Hulk Hogan in 1994. They were trying to recapture the magic of Hulkamania which ran wild in the 80s. To get lightning in a bottle a second time, WCW built up a rogues gallery of giant monsters for Hogan to tear through. And this kept getting pushed to further and further extremes.

In 1995, the Dungeon of Doom was a group of terrifying wrestlers led by the evil wizard Kevin Sullivan — all built around making big nasty dudes that Hogan would give the big boot to.

So naturally, this would all wind up with wrestler Ron Reis dressed in a mummy costume and going by the nom de guerre “Yeti.”

The TV produced for this character looks like a scary Saturday morning cartoon come to life on the set of Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre.

Was it good wrestling? No. Was it good television? See for yourself.