10 Strange (and Awesome) Moments in Pro Wrestling

The Shockmaster


World Championship Wrestling (WCW) gave us one of the weirdest (and hilarious) moments in 1993.

Clash of the Champions XXIV was a big show for WCW, and it needed a big surprise. So to spice things up, they hired behemoth wrestler Fred Ottman to come in as the mysterious Shockmaster.

He would appear as the new partner for the company’s top good guys (faces, in wrestling parlance).

His debut segment begins with several of WCW’s top talent in a perpetual shouting match. Then, the Shockmaster bursts through a wall, trips, loses his helmet, and scrambles to get back to his feet. What’s worse, his headgear was clearly a Star Wars stormtrooper helmet covered in silver glitter.

It’s… less than intimidating.

Immediately after the segment, WCW was forced to ditch the idea. But while they wanted fans to forget it ever happened, it has become immortalized as one of the most cherished moments in wrestling history.

Definitely file this under “so bad it’s good.”