10 Strange (and Awesome) Moments in Pro Wrestling

Vince McMahon vs. God


Wrestling fans love reading about the real drama behind the scenes. And the main behind the scenes figure in pro wrestling for the last 40 years is undoubtedly the owner of WWE, Vince McMahon.

He’s been accused of having a God complex, ruling his company with a Captain Ahab-like monomaniacal drive that is inspiring and terrifying.

And in 2006, he decided to take his boundless ego to its obvious conclusion: he booked himself in a match against God himself.

You did not misread that sentence.

At the time, McMahon was feuding with born again Christian Shawn Michaels. So, it makes sense now, right? Definitely in good taste.

The clip above was shown in the buildup to the match, with Vince and his son Shane going to a church in order to check out the Big Man Upstairs.

Vince even cuts a promo on God in a true church — something that insiders say was only possible because the church wasn’t aware of what segment they would be filming when the WWE requested access.