10 Tips to Survive your First Year of College 

Tip #10 Take care of your health. 


It is so easy to forget about your health in college. Between campus involvement and a packed school schedule, taking the time to cook healthy meals, go to the gym, or have a night off seems almost laughable. 

But it is so important that you do the things that make you feel good. Once health goes, everything else goes. And that’s true for mental and physical health. 

Although living off ramen noodles and ketchup spaghetti is a quick and economical option, it does not provide your brain with the fuel it needs to retain your exam material. 

Contrary to popular belief, healthy eating does not have to be expensive or time-consuming. A simple tuna sandwich on whole-wheat bread takes as long to whip up as Kraft dinner, but it provides many more nutrients. A large bag of lentils is about $2.00, and you can use them to make delicious soups, vegetarian meatballs, salads, or patés. 

There are many resources online to help you eat healthy on a budget. Some of them even indicate the price per portion for each recipe. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, or omnivore, you will find some easy, delicious, quick online recipes. 

Also, did you know that physical activity and healthy eating promote better focus, concentration, and memory? So, if you think these things are not important during school, think again! Sometimes, the best thing you can do to succeed in your exams is to put the books away and go for a nice walk.