10 Tips to Survive your First Year of College 

Bonus tip: Never be afraid to get the help you need. 


If college becomes more than you can handle, do not hesitate to reach out for help. If your parents are the ones you want to go to, pick up the phone and share your feelings with them. If not, call a good friend and discuss your problems. Chances are they are a student too, and they can share some good advice or at least give you a shoulder to cry on.

Hopefully, you feel comfortable enough with your friends and family to be vulnerable and ask for their help in times of need. If that is not the case, or if you think you need more professional help, please use the resources your school offers. 

Most campuses have a mental health office, with counselors, psychologists, and even psychiatrists available. If you are in a crisis or need more support during your college years, they will have someone available to help. The good thing about college is that most of these resources are free for their students, so money should not stop you from getting help.