10 Tips to Survive your First Year of College 

Tip #6 Get involved on campus. 


Do not get so consumed with studying that you forget to make the best out of your college years. Having good grades is important, but it is not everything. 

College is the perfect time to try new things. One way to do this is to get involved. Look up the clubs at your school and join one or two you like. You’ve always wanted to play hockey but never did? Join the recreational team! Do you love movies? Why not try to make your own and join the movie club? 

Getting involved is about fun, but it can also guide you in your future career. You joined the cooking club and loved it? Maybe you want to open your restaurant one day. You got involved in the student newspaper and had the best time. Then maybe freelance writing is for you. 

Everything you do in college can also go on your resume. It is sometimes hard to get some work experience in college, but your involvement in extracurricular activities certainly counts as something for your future employers!