10 Tips to Survive your First Year of College 

Tip #7 Learn how to prioritize. 


Prioritizing is a skill you have to acquire in college. There will be so many opportunities to get involved and it will be easy to put too much on your plate. 

You have a party to attend but an exam the next day? There will always be another party, but you’ll never get to write your exam again. Do you have five assignments due in the next week? Make sure to plan your time accordingly during the day. 

Having realistic expectations is also essential. Making a to-do list is helpful, but if you put 20 different things on it, you are setting yourself up for failure because there is no way you can do it all. 

Our advice would be to start with your non-negotiables each day. For example, if you have a paper due at 8:00 AM the next day, then that’s what you should start the day with to make sure you finish it on time. Do you only have one pair of underwear left? Then do laundry first; washing the floors can wait.