10 Tips to Survive your First Year of College 

Tip #8 Learn how to make a budget. 


College often comes with financial independence. Making a budget might not be fun, but it will ensure you have enough money for rent and groceries. 

It can be hard to make a budget if you never made one before. Almost all universities have a financial aid office. You can make an appointment with one of their counselors, and they will help you budget your money. 

Together, you can find out how much money you need for the year. They can also advise you on student loans and give you tips and tricks to avoid getting into a massive amount of debt. 

Some places also offer a work-study program for their students, and these counselors can refer you. This program offers jobs to students on campus to help them make ends meet. The jobs are often well-paid, and employers must consider your school schedule if they are part of this program. 

If money is a concern for you, the financial aid office can also offer emergency funds. You often have to fill out an application and meet with them in person, but it can be worth it. 

Research the financial resources available to students before starting the school year. If you run into problems or want a little help, you’ll know who to contact.