6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having a Newborn

#3 Everybody thinks it is perfectly acceptable to tell you how to parent your child. 

As soon as the baby is in your arms, get ready for a shower of opinions. I was honestly shocked at how comfortable some people are. Some straight up tell you, you do not deserve to be a mother because you did not put five layers of socks on your baby. 

Rudeness is never fun, but sometimes people have the best intentions in mind when they share their “advice.” However, when you are a new parent and constantly trying to figure out what is best for your child, unsolicited advice is anything but helpful. 

Pro tip: set boundaries and do it fast. I know it is uncomfortable to tell your great aunt or your mother-in-law that they need to stop with their opinions, but it will save you many headaches in the future. I know, I know, it seems harsh. But better to do it now than when you are frustrated and could say things you regret. 

Most people who care about you will respect that boundary. But some won’t. And they will say hurtful things. They’ll make you feel bad, and their comments might get to your head. Do not let these people cripple you with mom guilt. 

Someone once told me not to accept criticism from someone I would not accept advice from. It really resonated with me. Not everyone will agree with your parenting decision, but as long as you are at peace with yours, it is all that matters. 
