6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having a Newborn

#4 Newborns are boring… well, sorta… 

Newborn life is full of contradictions, like being bored to death while never having a second to yourself. Your baby will spend his days sleeping, nursing, crying, and pooping, and this cycle will repeat itself indefinitely, day after day. 

My partner could not wait to play with the baby. Imagine his disappointment when the baby could not care less about toys, books, or anything else we did to try to entertain him. 

The thing is, your baby can’t see. Did you know that? For the first little while, they have very limited vision. Everything is blurry, and they cannot see colors. So, a colorful rattle does not do much except annoy them. 

I was looking up what to do with a newborn, and the suggested activities were along the lines of “talk to him in a funny voice.” Let me tell you that after 15 minutes of talking to yourself in an empty house, you are officially bored. 

The one thing my baby and I both enjoyed doing was contrast cards. They are images in white and black meant to stimulate your little one. I downloaded some free ones online, not expecting much. 

To my surprise, the little man was looking at them with curiosity for at least a few minutes each. It was something we both enjoyed, and it was cute to see the expressions on his face as he discovered new images.

Before your baby arrives, buy a few books or e-books and make a list of TV shows and movies you want to watch. It will give you something to do while breastfeeding or holding your baby. 
