6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having a Newborn

#5 Invest in pajamas instead of cute outfits for your newborn.

While I was pregnant, shopping for clothes made me so happy. We bought a lot of cute, coordinated outfits for him, and I could not wait to see him in them. 

But I did not know that newborns need their diapers changed all the time. Mine needed about 12-15 diaper changes in the first few weeks. Removing and putting back on pants and bodysuits every time took forever. And we were not going anywhere, so the cute outfits were really only cute for me. 

Babies also vomit all the time and have poop explosions. You’ll take time to pick the perfect outfit only to change it two hours later. Lastly, I realized my little one seemed much more comfortable during the day if I just left him in pajamas. Makes sense since I would also rather wear a onesie than jeans in the house. 

For all those reasons, pajamas are worth investing in. I spent a lot of money on outfits he only wore once or twice before outgrowing them. But I certainly got my money’s worth when it comes to pajamas. 

I highly recommend the ones with zippers. It saves you a lot of time. They are also easier to put on and off while your baby is screaming and squirming. Mine seemed to think of diaper change as a form of torture, and it took a while before he stopped screaming every time we changed his diaper. 
