6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having a Newborn

#6 Your heart will hurt from loving them so much.

“You never know love until you have children.” I remember rolling my eyes a little every time someone said that to me. I thought it was such a cliché.

Well, let me tell you, you are not prepared for the amount of love that is about to enter your body. It is the kind of love that keeps you up at night. I can’t think about I much I love my son because, no joke, I’ll start crying on the spot. 

Being a mother has made me much more patient and empathetic towards others. Everyone is someone’s child, and as a mom, I can only hope that others will treat my son with respect and kindness. Not that I didn’t before, but now I try to be extra nice to everyone. 

Watching movies is even getting difficult. It is hard to listen to anything with violence, bullying, or anything a little remotely sad in it. Immediately, I start thinking about my baby and how devastating it would be if someone were to hurt him. 

I learned there is a name for this: intrusive thoughts. It is a common postpartum symptom where you basically imagine the worst happening to your child all the time. This is why something as simple as watching movies can be triggering. 

Intrusive thoughts can be difficult to cope with, so do not be afraid to talk to someone if you need to. 

Final word… 

And there you have it: 6 things I wish I knew before having a newborn. I could go on and on, but I hope this was helpful. Motherhood is a wonderful, thankless job. Remember to be kind to yourself and never ever be afraid to ask for help whenever you need it.