7 ways to focus better in a toxic work environment.

What causes a toxic work environment?

A toxic work environment can arise in many ways, but poor communication is often at the root. This can include a lack of communication between the boss and employees regarding roles and expectations, or a lack of communication between co-workers that breeds misunderstandings and resentment.

Poor leadership is another common culprit. If a workplace lacks a good leader, it can lead to a chaotic workplace or one where everyone is only concerned with themselves rather than working together.

If a workplace has few opportunities for growth or learning, it can also become toxic. When workers feel stagnant, they can experience the effects of burnout and boredom, which can make other coworkers feel less motivated to do their jobs well.

How to Focus in a Toxic Work Environment

Fortunately, there are things you can do to manage your mindset in a toxic work environment.