9 Mistakes You Have To Stop Making When Shopping

3. Buying Out Of Season Fruit


You love juicy and sweet strawberries. So do we. 

So, you buy them all year round, indulging in your favorite fruit whenever you feel like it. And best of all, it’s healthy so there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t. 

Unless there is!

The most apparent reason you should only buy fruit in season is financial. Yes, we talk a lot about saving you money in this article 😉 You probably noticed that the price of strawberries increases significantly during the colder months. The fruit has to come from a country where production still happens, with rising costs due to the logistics. And we’re talking about a significant increase, between 20 and 400%! 

Also, buying out-of-season fruit isn’t as healthy as you think. Studies have shown that fruits start losing their nutritional value as soon as they’re harvested. So, when you splurge on those $10 boxes of strawberries, you’re not even getting a premium product!

And should we talk about the taste? Unless you enjoy hard and bland strawberries, better to stay away from them for a little while and shift to seasonal fruit. You’ll appreciate strawberries even more after waiting for a few months before indulging again!