9 Mistakes You Have To Stop Making When Shopping

Shopping When You Feel Low


You’ve had a rough day at work, so you decide to order a fancy dinner or treat yourself to that handbag you’ve wanted to buy for a while when you get home. This should make you feel better, right?

Retail therapy feels good at the moment. 

We get it.

Yet, it doesn’t treat the root cause of your behavior. And unfortunately, if you’re purchasing something because you’re sad, anxious, or stressed, seeing your savings melt because you’ve splurged to feel better can have the exact opposite effect.

So, there’s no denying that buying something you really like and want is a great way to cheer yourself up, be intentional in your purchases, and avoid spending every time you feel low. Instead, try journaling. It will help you unload your negative thoughts and develop a plan of action to improve the situation. 

Meditating and spending time in nature are also two science-backed methods you can use to improve your mood, self-esteem, and happiness in general. But if you ask us, there’s nothing better than spending time with your loved ones and doing the things you enjoy together to feel re-energized and ready to tackle new challenges.