6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Having a Newborn

I remember the day I learned I was pregnant. To say it was a surprise is an understatement. I looked down at the pregnancy test, which I took almost as a joke, shocked at the sight of a faint yet visible positive line. 

Being the organized person I am, I immediately started planning. I googled the best books about pregnancy, downloaded the list of foods I was no longer allowed to eat, and started shopping for baby items. 

I read about anything and everything there is about pregnancy. What is normal, and what is not. I prepared for childbirth mentally and physically. I wanted to be ready! 

I thought I had it all figured out, except I forgot one thing: what do we do once the baby is here. The day my baby arrived was a bit of a blur. I was seriously sleep-deprived, starved, and simply amazed that my little one was finally here after nine long months. 

We did not run into a single issue with the baby at the hospital. He played us good. Once we got home, all hell broke loose, and we had to learn and learn fast. 

So, if you are about to become a new parent, or if you just became one, this article is for you! Here are 6 things I wish I knew before having a newborn. 
