Airbnbs Designed by Actors That Anyone Can Rent

9. F. Scott & Zelda Fitzgerald’s Alabama Homestead

Location: Montgomery, Alabama
Price: $80 / night*

We have F. Scott Fitzgerald to thank for The Great Gatsby, a book so loved it remains on the curriculum in many schools across the world an eternity after its release. He had a tumultuous relationship with his wife, Zelda, at times, but they inspired each other. You can stay in the couple’s Alabama home for a mere $80 a night.

The bottom floor is yours to use as you like, while the top floor contains a museum dedicated to the lives of the Fitzgeralds. Not only is the home a wonderful place to stay, but it could also be an educational experience. After all, there’s only so much you can learn from 2013’s Warner Bros adaptation of the writer’s aforementioned work.