Biggest Money Scams of All Time

1. Squid Game Crypto Scam

Year: 2021
Approx. Amount: $3 Million*
Company / Person Involved: Squid CryptoCurrency

Similar to other companies that offer investors the chance to make a lot of money in a short amount of time, having experienced a share increase of more than 1,000% in the fall of 2021, going from around $1 to a little over $2,800/coin, the Squid Game cryptocurrency seemed too good to be true, and that’s probably because it was.

Squid Game Crypto Scam ©Memories Over Mocha /

Squid Game Crypto Scam ©Memories Over Mocha /

Days later, the price of the crypto coin that drew its name from the popular Netflix show crashed, and the project’s website, as well as its social media footprint, vanished along with $3 million of the investor’s hard-earned money.