Biggest Money Scams of All Time

23. Mehmet Aydın

Year: 2016
Approx. Amount: $124.2 Million*
Company / Person Involved: Mehmet Aydın

In 2016, Mehmet Aydın, a former Turkish rapper who went by the name Egoman, created an investment app called “FarmBank”. The app was created as a way for its users to get into the virtual livestock game. For those who are unaware of what that is, it’s when people invest in “virtual animals and produce”, and he got people to invest- close to half of a billion in total.

Mehmet Aydın @HaberIstatistik /

Mehmet Aydın @HaberIstatistik /

In the final year of his scam, Egoman swindled more than 130,000 people, from whom he scammed the $124.2 million that he disappeared with. Not long after his disappearance, Aydın turned himself over at a Turkish Embassy in Brazil, and it’s believed that, currently, his home-nation is helping to ensure that he will remain a free man.