Biggest Money Scams of All Time

34. 2G Spectrum Scam

Year: 2020 (Still Ongoing)
Approx. Amount: $25 billion*
Company / Person Involved: A Raja

The 2G Spectrum Case is still ongoing. This scam involves officials with the United Progressive Alliance, who are accused of playing favorites with 2G spectrum licenses. The officials allotted 122 licenses based on favoritism, providing benefits to only certain telecom operators at a low cost. The low-cost licenses resulted in the Indian government losing $25 billion.

2G Spectrum Scam @Madhukumar TR /

2G Spectrum Scam @Madhukumar TR /

A Raja, an Indian politician at the center of the scandal, is accused of refusing to follow rules and regulations. Raja is also accused of intentionally advancing the cutoff date by nine months for licenses for specific companies in exchange for bribes. Basically, the 2G scandal is a $25 billion bribery case.