Biggest Money Scams of All Time

35. Commonwealth Games

Year: 2010
Approx. Amount: $9.16 million*
Company / Person Involved: Suresh Kalmadi

Another million-dollar Indian scam was the Commonwealth Games Scam, which was one of the biggest heists in the country. A certain amount was allocated to the Commonwealth Games to spend on its athletes. Instead of using that money to give athletes a comfortable place to stay and amenities, officials pocketed half the amount.

Commonwealth Games @the_hindu /

Commonwealth Games @the_hindu /

The other half was spent on subpar lodging. Athletes were forced to relocate from high-end, temporary housing to shabby flats. A parliamentary investigation called the Games a “complete management failure” and a “national shame.” Suresh Kalmadi, a politician, was jailed for ten months as a result of the 2010 Delhi scandal.