Biggest Money Scams of All Time

41. Moneytron

Year: 1980s
Approx. Amount: $860 million*
Company / Person Involved: Jean-Pierre Van Rossem

Jean-Pierre Van Rossem was famous as the man behind the Moneytron scandal, a scheme he devised, according to him in his book Gevangenisboek (“Prison Book”) to “f**k the system.” Rossem was a stock market guru with the investment company, which offered endless returns and had wealthy customers all over the world, including ones from the Belgian Royal Family.

Moneytron @GPOnyx /

Moneytron @GPOnyx /

Van Rossem claimed he’d come up with a model that could beat the stock market, and he made $860 million for himself. The problem was, he had no such model, and, after he lost all his clients’ money, he went to jail for five years. All of his possessions, including his 108 Ferraris, were sold to pay off his debts.