Biggest Money Scams of All Time

51. Crazy Eddie

Year: 1971-1996
Approx. Amount: $150 million in fines*
Company / Person Involved: Eddie and Sam Antar

Crazy Eddie, a consumer electronics chain in the U.S., was doing shady dealings since its inception in 1961. The chain had forty-three stores in four different states, and it had over $300 million in sales. Eddie Antar, the founder, resigned from the company in 1996, cashing in millions of dollars in stock shares.

Crazy Eddie @njdotcom /

Crazy Eddie @njdotcom /

The company was later sold, and the new owners discovered a ton of fraudulent business practices committed by the Antar family, including violations of SEC laws. Antar reportedly falsified his inventories by as much as $10 million a year. Antar was eventually caught and sentenced to eight years in prison and $150 million in fines.