Canceled!? Big Budget TV Shows On The Chopping Block

1. The Crown

Network: Netflix
Status: Renewed Through The Sixth and Final Season

Eight years after the success of his 2006 film, “The Queen”, Peter Morgan entered into an agreement with Netflix to take, “The Audience”, Morgan’s 2013 stage play, and turn it into a six-season sixty-episode television series, backed by Sony Pictures Productions and Left Bank Pictures, called “The Crown”. To date, the average episode of “The Crown” has cost an astonishing $13 million to produce.

The Crown @VogueFranceEN /

The Crown @VogueFranceEN /

In 2020, after the fourth season of the show had aired, Peter Morgan made it clear that he intended to end the series a season early, however, later that year, following the development of the fifth season’s storyline, Morgan changed his mind once more and decided that in order to do the story justice, “The Crown” must remain on until the conclusion of the sixth season as initially planned.