Canceled!? Big Budget TV Shows On The Chopping Block

32. Better Call Saul

Network: AMC
Status: Renewed For Sixth And Final Season

“Better Call Saul” was conceived in 2013, just as its parent series was drawing to a close. At the time, few people would have believed it if they had been told that the spin-off to “Breaking Bad” would end up lasting longer than its award-winning predecessor did. But after being renewed for a sixth, and final season, that’s, exactly, what’s going to happen.

Better Call Saul @slashfilm /

Better Call Saul @slashfilm /

From start to finish, “Better Call Saul” had a very eclectic group of viewers. Ones who wanted to hold on to the illusion that “Breaking Bad” had lived on through its spin-off, but the reality of the matter is that “Better Call Saul” is a completely different show, and as people began to realize that viewership began to dwindle.