Canceled!? Big Budget TV Shows On The Chopping Block

43. Filthy Rich

Network: Fox
Status: Canceled After One Season

Borrowing an idea for a series from another country is not an uncommon occurrence in the entertainment industry. In 2019, an adaptation of the Kiwi series, “Filthy Rich”, was created by Tate Taylor. Taylor’s “Filthy Rich” had a few higher-profile investors than its namesake, as it had the backing of Wyolah Films, Ron Howard’s Imagine Television Studios, the Disney-owned 20th Television, and, of course, Fox Entertainment.

Filthy Rich @krcivoj /

Filthy Rich @krcivoj /

It only took 5 episodes for the people at the Fox network to realize that Taylor’s show was not going to make anyone rich, filthy, or otherwise, and the show was canceled but not pulled directly off the air. The series aired its final episode a few weeks later.