Canceled!? Big Budget TV Shows On The Chopping Block

55. Brave New World

Network: Peacock
Status: Canceled after one season

Brave New World was supposed to be groundbreaking for Peacock. The dystopian show was based on the book by Aldous Huxley. The series starred one big-name actor: Alden Ehrenreich. Ehrenreich had a role in Solo: A Star Wars Story. Brave New World was the only Peacock-created scripted series available when the platform launched.

Brave New World @dfungd /

Brave New World @dfungd /

The show was axed pretty quickly. Express blamed low ratings, as well as the fact that there wasn’t a lot of buzz around Brave New World when it released. Universal is currently in the process of shopping the show to see if an international network will buy it.