Canceled!? Big Budget TV Shows On The Chopping Block

95. The Sinner

Network: USA Network
Status: Ended After 4 Seasons

A common trend that has arisen in the television industry recently is the creation of one-off mini-series that are only intended to last a few episodes, or at most a season. This was, originally, the case for The Sinner, however, following the success of the 8-episode series, it was picked up for a second, and then a third season as well.

The Sinner @expresswebsite /

The Sinner @expresswebsite /

Some people might say that The Sinner’s luck ran out in 2020, as it was announced that the show’s fourth season would be its last, however, when looking back to its origins as a mini-series, it’s hard to look at anything after the first season as something other than a tremendous success.