Canceled!? Big Budget TV Shows On The Chopping Block

98. Zero Chill

Network: Netflix
Status: Canceled After 1 Season

The British teen drama, Zero Chill, was created by Kristie Falkous and John Regier, and picked up by Netflix, for a series that was released to the platform on March 15, 2021. The show’s popularity might not have reached the heights that were hoped for, but it was for no lack of trying on the parts of the show’s creators.

Zero Chill @maggielhughess /

Zero Chill @maggielhughess /

Due to Zero Chill’s story being focused on twins who were a figure skater and an ice hockey player, the series’ production prep went as far as to include sending the actors on a 9-week boot camp in order to achieve a sense of realism on set that “CGI trickery” is unable to provide. Zero Chill lasted just one season before Netflix decided to put the show on ice for good.