Celebrity Couples Who Met On Set, And Now They’re In Love

112. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

Movie: Days of Thunder
Location: North Carolina
Year: 1990

Nicole Kidman was just twenty-one years old when she met actor Tom Cruise. The two were together for eleven years, from 1990 until 2001. They met on the set of Days of Thunder, a sports drama that made over $157 million at the box office.

Days of Thunder - Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman @tomallmon / Pinterest.com

Days of Thunder – Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman @tomallmon / Pinterest.com

Kidman said that she felt the connection instantly, and she later told Vanity Fair that Cruise “swept [her] off [her] feet.” She said that, despite having had serious relationships before, Cruise was who she wanted to marry. However, when the pair got married, she realized things weren’t so sunny in paradise, and she felt like she had to be “seen, not heard” in the marriage.