Celebrity Couples Who Met On Set, And Now They’re In Love

80. Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling

Movie: The Notebook
Location: Charleston, South Carolina
Year: 2003

In 2003, The Notebook was released. The Nicholas Sparks film was a romantic tear-jerker, but it wasn’t exactly love at first sight for Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Gosling reportedly hated working with McAdams, and the two butted heads on just about everything.

Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling ©Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com

Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling ©Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com

Despite their on-set fighting, they managed to get through it and begin dating. Gosling McAdams started dating two years later, and they were together until 2007. Apparently, the co-stars’ failure to get along on the set of The Notebook carried over into real life, though Gosling did describe the short relationship as “more romantic” than the hit romantic drama.