Celebrity Couples Who Met On Set, And Now They’re In Love

87. Marlon Brando and Rita Moreno

Movie: Desiree
Location: Monterey Peninsula, California
Year: 1954

Rita Moreno and Marlon Brando had a whirlwind affair that lasted seven years. The actress would later describe the romance as “near-fatal,” calling Brando the “lust of her life.” The tumultuous affair was riddled with drama, which proves that relationships, even back in the “Golden Years” could be the stuff of soap operas. For example, Moreno admitted in her memoir that she had an affair with Elvis Presley to make Brando jealous.

Desiree - Marlon Brando and Rita Morena @fespich / Pinterest.com

Desiree – Marlon Brando and Rita Morena @fespich / Pinterest.com

Moreno and Brando met on the set of Desiree, a Napoleon biopic. Moreno was twenty-two at the time, and she described their meeting as a “full-body blush,” saying that she felt like she’d been “dropped into a very hot bath.”