Celebrity Couples Who Met On Set, And Now They’re In Love

88. James Dean and Natalie Wood

Movie: Rebel Without a Cause
Location: Los Angeles, California
Year: 1955

Rebel Without a Cause was a huge moneymaker for studios. It brought in $4.6 million in the 1950s against a $1.5 million budget. Front and center was “extraordinarily good acting” by lead James Dean, who would tragically die in a car crash just three weeks before Rebel opened. Sal Mineo and Natalie Wood also starred, and Wood and Dean struck up an on-set romance during filming.

Rebel Without A Cause - James Dean and Natalie Wood ©Warner Bros / Gettyimages

Rebel Without A Cause – James Dean and Natalie Wood ©Warner Bros / Gettyimages

Wood was using the film to transition into adult roles, and she had Dean to thank for getting the part over Jayne Mansfield and Debbie Reynolds. The two would meet in a Chateau Marmont bungalow during filming, though their love affair, tragically, never became anything more.