Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

9. Starship Trooper’s Body Armor

Also Appears In: Planet of the Apes (2001)
Estimated Savings: $1,000*

The armor from Starship Troopers has been re-used so many times it’s almost a long-running joke in filmmaking, although some would argue it’s the mark of a great prop. The helmets and body armor from the 1997 movie eventually made their way into several other projects, including Tim Burton’s 2001 movie Planet of the Apes.

Starship Trooper's Body Armor @rhungler / Pinterest.com

Starship Trooper’s Body Armor @rhungler / Pinterest.com

Burton used the helmets for the money SWAT team, painting them black to give them an original feel. Director Joss Whedon also used them later on in 2002 for his short-lived TV show Firefly.