Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

10. Star Trek II’s Ship

Also Appears In: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979)
Estimated Savings: $500-$1,000*

Considering just how many Star Trek movies there have been over the years, it’s almost impossible to believe the first movie wasn’t released until 1979, ten years after the original show came off air. When the ball got rolling, it spawned a sequel called The Wrath of Khan.

Star Trek II's Ship @litanaicard / @europadolby / Pinterest.com

Star Trek II’s Ship @litanaicard / @europadolby / Pinterest.com

Of course, sci-fi movies aren’t cheap to make. Instead of creating completely new models for each scene, producers decided to repurpose one. They simply turned it upside down to make it look like a different design, saving themselves a pretty penny in the process.