Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

14. Star Trek’s Alien Planet

Also Appears In: The Andy Griffith Show (1960-1968)
Estimated Savings: $200,000+*

It may not seem like it by today’s standards, but back in the ‘60s, Star Trek was cutting edge TV, using the latest computer tech and methods to bring other worlds to life. This was reflected in the budget, which equates to over $1 million per episode when adjusted for inflation.

Star Trek's Alien Planet @apestercom / @christiblue / Pinterest.com

Star Trek’s Alien Planet @apestercom / @christiblue / Pinterest.com

That being said, if money could be saved, the network was all for it. In one 1966 episode, Kirk and Spock find themselves on an alien planet that resembles one just like Earth. In fact, the town they land in is the exact set of Mayberry from The Andy Griffith Show which was on air at the same time.