Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

15. The Muppets Theater Set

Also Appears In: The Phantom Of The Opera (1924)
Estimated Savings: $20,000+*

The Phantom of the Opera and The Muppets aren’t two projects that you would naturally equate with one another. As you may recall, in one of The Muppets movies the gang had to fight to restore the abandoned Muppet Theater. Instead of building a costly new set from scratch, producers were able to find one.

The Muppets Theater Set @amerlin33 / @attractions / Pinterest.com

The Muppets Theater Set @amerlin33 / @attractions / Pinterest.com

The original theater was built back in 1924 for an adaptation of – you guessed it – The Phantom of the Opera. After it was used, it was left in storage for time to take its toll. Thankfully it got to live another day when it was used for the puppet caper.