Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

16. Gone With The Wind’s Atlanta Fire

Also Appears In: Various
Estimated Savings: $50,000-$100,000*

Gone With The Wind is largely regarded as one of the best epic movies ever made. Thanks to the talents of Vivien Leigh, Scarlett O’Hara has a concrete place in cinematic history. There were a lot of period sets and props used in the movie, but filmmakers were stumped about how to create the flames that rip through Atlanta.

Gone With The Wind's Atlanta Fire @sharron_mckee / Pinterest.com

Gone With The Wind’s Atlanta Fire @sharron_mckee / Pinterest.com

In order to cut costs, they managed to get their hands on old sets previously used in now-classic movies – and set them on fire. It may seem heinous to think about now, but burning these priceless props saved the studio a ton of money.