Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

20. Rocky’s Glass Box

Also Appears In: Revenge of Frankenstein (1958)
Estimated Savings: $1,000-$2,000*

Creating a big glass box big enough for a person to lie in isn’t exactly easy, but it is quite specific. When Dr. Frank ‘n Furter creates his boy toy Rocky in The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Rocky emerges from a box just like that. Surprisingly, Richard O’Brien didn’t need to make it from scratch.

Rocky's Glass Box @jenjackson1969 / @Shellmary / Pinterest.com

Rocky’s Glass Box @jenjackson1969 / @Shellmary / Pinterest.com

He managed to get his hands on one that was previously used in the Hammer Horror movie Revenge of Frankenstein in 1958. The savings wouldn’t have been wildly huge, but considering The Rocky Horror Picture show was made on a minuscule budget of $1.4 million, it was worth it.