Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

21. The Avengers Jet

Also Appears In: True Lies (1994)
Estimated Savings: $100,000*

1994’s True Lies was a true Arnie movie. In one scene, Schwazzenegger saves his daughter from impending doom on a jet just in the nick of time, shooting the bad guy out of it at the same time, After filming on the movie wrapped, the jet was transported to an unknown location in the desert where it stayed until it resurfaced in Joss Whedon’s The Avengers in 2012.

The Avengers Jet @deerdam / Pinterest.com

The Avengers Jet @deerdam / Pinterest.com

The jet is used in the scene where The Hulk is having a showdown against Thor. The Hulk actually rips one of the wings off and throws it at the God of Thunder, but thankfully for the future of the franchise both of them come out of the battle unscathed.