Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

23. Austin Powers’ Wig

Also Appears In: Ocean’s Eleven (2001)
Estimated Savings: $100*

When Mike Myers was rehearsing for his now-iconic role of British spy Austin Powers, he reportedly wore a wig. It’s not immediately clear why he chose to do so, but someone decided it should be kept and stored. Amazingly, the wig would end up on Hollywood heartthrob Brad Pitt in 2001’s Ocean Eleven.

Austin Powers' Wig @gazettereview / @volleyballblast / Pinterest.com

Austin Powers’ Wig @gazettereview / @volleyballblast / Pinterest.com

Pitt’s character of Rusty is miles away from the big-toothed, hip-swinging garish powers. Rusty wears the wig in one scene when he pretends to be a doctor, covering his dyed-blonde hair and completing the ruse with glasses.