Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

26. The Car From Sunset Boulevard

Also Appears In: Mulholland Drive
Estimated Savings: N/A

When you think about it, there are a lot of similarities between the movies Mulholland Drive and Sunset Boulevard, and we’re not just talking about the car. Both noirs show the dark side of Hollywood and the struggles behind the glitz and glam. Actresses Betty and Norma Desmond experience the downfalls of the big screen in both films.

The Car From Sunset Boulevard @u/VictorBlimpmuscle / Reddit.com | @szoomski / Twitter.com

The Car From Sunset Boulevard @u/VictorBlimpmuscle / Reddit.com | @szoomski / Twitter.com

David Lynch, the director of Mulholland Drive, has said that Sunset Boulevard is one of his favorite movies. As an homage to the Billy Wilder classic, Lynch placed the car from Sunset Boulevard near the street entrance during the scene when Betty first enters the movie. Additionally, there is a “Sunset Boulevard” street sign in the Lynch movie, too.