Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

27. Forbidden Planet’s Robby The Robot

Also Appears In: Twilight Zone, Lost in Space
Estimated Savings: $100,000*

Though Robby the Robot is best-known for his appearance in Forbidden Planet, he has been used in quite a few productions. Robby was created by the MGM props department in the 1950s, and the seven-foot-tall robot was used as one of Dr. Morbius’ creations.

Forbidden Planet's Robby The Robot @No Budget Productions - FilkFerret Productions / Youtube.com | @waynebrooker / Pinterest.com

Forbidden Planet’s Robby The Robot @No Budget Productions – FilkFerret Productions / Youtube.com | @waynebrooker / Pinterest.com

Robby was also seen in Lost in Space and The Twilight Zone, though his appearance was tweaked, as he was given humanoid features. Also, if you’ve seen Gremlins, you might remember the random robot that appeared in the film, seemingly out of nowhere. Yes, you guessed it: that was Robby the Robot, making yet another on-screen debut.