Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

28. Elizabeth’s Dress

Also Appears In: Camelot
Estimated Savings: $1,000-$1,500*

Often, when filming historical movies, producers will reuse costumes, even if they come from different eras. With just a few little modifications, a dress worn in medieval times can look like something from the twentieth century. The movie Elizabeth was a biopic about Elizabeth Tudor, the queen of England in 1558.

Elizabeth's Dress @5minutecraftsfamily / Pinterest.com

Elizabeth’s Dress @5minutecraftsfamily / Pinterest.com

The movie featured a lot of medieval-era dresses, including this orange, velvet-patterned number. The dress would later be reused in Camelot, a movie about the fantasy saga of King Arthur. King Arthur is fictional, but it has some basis in the real-life adventures of a British warrior from the fifth or sixth century, who helped stave off Saxons invading England.