Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

33. Psycho’s Custom Ford 300

Also Appears In: Leave It to Beaver, Halloween H20
Estimated Savings: $2,500*

This one’s pretty unexpected. Fans of Psycho remember the 1957 Ford Custom 300, which Janet Leigh drove in the 1960 slasher flick. The car was owned by Universal, and, in Psycho, it was painted a dark shade.

Psycho's Custom Ford 300 @motorcarnet / @dannyhampton395 / Pinterest.com

Psycho’s Custom Ford 300 @motorcarnet / @dannyhampton395 / Pinterest.com

That’s why you might not have recognized it from its other appearance as the car in Leave it to Beaver. The Cleaver family drove the Ford in the first season of the family friendly sitcom, which is as far from Psycho as you can get. Fun fact: a replica of the 1957 Ford 300 was used in Halloween H20 in 1998. The two Fords even had the same plate number, thirty-eight years later.