Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

35. Nightmare On Elm Street’s Freddy Glove

Also Appears In: Evil Dead II
Estimated Savings: N/A

Wes Craven and Sam Raimi always competed with one another. The horror movie legends had a friendly rivalry, and they were always trying to outdo each other. Evil Dead and A Nightmare on Elm Street are two of the most famous horror franchises of all time, and the two directors were always paying homage to each other through little back-and-forth scenes and references.

Nigthmare On Elm Street's Freddy Glove @Savannaanders0n / @whatculture / Pinterest.com

Nigthmare On Elm Street’s Freddy Glove @Savannaanders0n / @whatculture / Pinterest.com

Raimi playfully poked at Wes Craven when he used the “Freddy Glove,” famous for its razor fingers, as wall décor in the Evil Dead II cabin’s cellar. The killer glove was borrowed from the crew of Elm Street for its appearance in the cellar, the location where much of the Evil Dead sequel takes place.