Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

37. The King’s Cape From Isabel

Also Appears In: The Hollow Crown
Estimated Savings: $1,000*

Isabel was a historical drama that won a lot of awards for its television success, including an Ondas Award for National Television’s “Best Female Actor in Fiction.” The show took a look at Isabel, a child who would later become the Queen of Spain. Queen Isabel is often considered one of Spain’s greatest rulers.

The King's Cape From Isabel @bebeautyandorra / @blackstar50 / Pinterest.com

The King’s Cape From Isabel @bebeautyandorra / @blackstar50 / Pinterest.com

Fans of the show will no doubt recognize the gray cape worn by King Ferdinand II. The gray, fur-lined cape would make another medieval-themed appearance in The Hollow Crown, a television series about King Richard’s cousins that starred Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch, the latter of whom got to wear the Isabel cape.