Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

3. Terminator’s Mini Gun

Also Appears In: Predator (1987)
Estimated Savings: $1,000-$5,000*

What do Predator and Terminator 2 have in common? Aside from being action capers with one heck of a reputation, not much – at least, so you would think. In actuality, the same minigun is used in both of the movies, linking these two projects forever.

Predator's Mini Gun @tedhope / Pinterest.com

Predator’s Mini Gun @tedhope / Pinterest.com

In the famous scene where Mac takes aim at the forest and shoots blindly in the hope of hitting the Predator, he uses a small but powerful mini machine gun. Years later the same prop gun was used again, this time by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator in Terminator 2: Judgement Day. That’s a small but not insubstantial saving for the team at Sony Tri-Star.