Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

4. Casper’s Newspaper

Also Appears In: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, No Country For Old Men, and more
Estimated Savings: Untold licensing fees

A movie set is made up of all sorts of props. Some are just for show, while others are more important. The smaller ones often go unnoticed as viewers focus on what’s unfolding between characters. For instance, did you know that there is a specially-made newspaper that has been featured in countless movies and TV shows, including Casper?

Casper's Newspaper @reelrundown / @francisco3640 / Pinterest.com

Casper’s Newspaper @reelrundown / @francisco3640 / Pinterest.com

The newspaper is actually the creation of a company called The Earl Hays Press. The specialty prop makers designed this newspaper years ago so that productions didn’t have to use real papers and seek out permission to use it from the publisher. Now you know, you’ll spot it everywhere.