Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

51. Training Day Cafe

Also Appears In: Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Se7en
Estimated Savings: $10,000-$20,000*

Los Angeles’ Quality Café is a retro, quaint diner that makes for the perfect spot for films to create a scene where characters have to talk at a table. The Quality Café is used so often in Hollywood that it is now closed to customers and only in operation when a movie is shooting there.

Training Day Cafe @premierefr / PInterest.com | ©madmen.fandom.com

Training Day Cafe @premierefr / PInterest.com | ©madmen.fandom.com

Films like Training Day, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Se7en have used the famous location. Brad Pitt shares the lead role in two of those films, so he is one of the famous faces in Hollywood that is most familiar with the ins and outs of the Quality Café.